Invisalign Services in Atlanta, GA

The world of dentistry is filled with a slew of services that range in cost and complexity. Here at Downtown Dental Center, you can trust us with each and every one of them. Our expert dentists can help you with the simplest things, like routine cleanings, or more complex aspects of oral health like root canal therapy.
Downtown Dental Group
Learn more about the many services we provide for our clients in Atlanta, Georgia below.


The clear alternative to braces, Invisalign® uses a series of clear aligners that are custom-molded to fit you. The virtually invisible aligners gradually reposition your teeth into a smile you'll be proud of. With clear correction, you’ll be able to:
  • Remove your aligners to eat, brush and floss
  • Change aligners every two weeks for a consistently custom fit
  • Have regular progress checks with us for feedback and necessary adjustments
  • Results in only 6 months to a year


Why put up with teeth that are stained, misshapen, crooked or riddled with gaps? Veneers are a thin, custom-made shell crafted from tooth-colored materials that cover the face of teeth. When placed over your teeth, veneers are able to correct nature's mistakes or damage from injuries, to leave you with a beautiful, natural-looking smile. 

Tooth Whitening (Bleaching)

Everybody loves a bright white smile, and there are a variety of products and procedures available to help you improve the look of yours. Bleaching is one of the most-tried and true methods, and while it is available as an over-the-counter item for you to do at home, trusting our expert team to bleach for you will result in a far more effective job.

Laser Tooth Whitening

Using a laser with a whitening gel, laser tooth whitening is the ultimate in-office bleaching system. We apply translucent bleaching gel to your teeth and a laser light is used to activate the crystals to absorb the energy from the light and penetrate the teeth’s enamel. This will give you a superior lightening experience that can’t be matched by in-home versions.

Root Canal Therapy

Not so long ago, if you had a tooth with a diseased nerve, it was most likely going to be removed. With help from our experts, you won’t have to suffer the same fate. In many cases, we can perform a special dental procedure known as root canal therapy to save the tooth. This procedure is performed by removing diseased or injured pulp from the center of the tooth, which, if left alone, will destroy the rest of the tooth. Our skilled dentists can remove the damaged pulp from your tooth, seal off the area, then place a crown on the top of the tooth to protect and reinforce it. In just 1-3 visits (depending on the severity of your particular issue) you can have your root canal therapy completed.

Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and bridges are two common elements of dentistry that can restore both the look and function of your teeth. Crowns go on top of a tooth and can cover damaged areas, making the tooth look and feel normal again. Bridges, as the name entails, “bridge” the gap between remaining teeth where an injury or decay has left you with holes. These false teeth can attach to the teeth on either side of the gap, restoring a full, beautiful smile. Bridges can be fixed (meaning only dentists like us can install and remove them) or removable if taking it in and out regularly is a concern.

Oral Surgery

We have experts on staff who can perform oral surgical services that address diseases, injuries, or defects of the oral region. This includes the jaw, the teeth, and the oral cavity. One of the most common oral surgeries is a tooth extraction.

Dental Implants

If you are looking for a more permanent feeling tooth replacement, implants might be the perfect solution. By attaching foundational elements to your jaw, replacement teeth can have a firm, natural-feeling hold in your mouth, as opposed to the more difficult to manage option of dentures.

Tooth Colored Fillings

Advances in modern dental materials and techniques allow us to offer our patients a variety of options when it comes to fillings. Tooth-colored or composite fillings are a mixture of acrylic resin and finely ground glass-like particles that produce a tooth-colored material that we can match to your specific shade. They provide good durability and resistance to fracture in small-to-mid-size restorations with moderate chewing pressure. Less tooth structure is removed when a dentist prepares the tooth resulting in a smaller filling than a traditional material would need.

Partials & Dentures

Partials and dentures are both false teeth replacements that can cover all or some of your missing teeth. Partials, as the name suggests, address just small areas of missing teeth. Dentures, on the other hand, can cover your entire mouth with new teeth. There are several types of (complete) dentures that are classified according to when they are made and inserted into the mouth. Immediate dentures are inserted immediately after the removal of the remaining teeth and we will take measurements and make models of your jaws during a preliminary visit. The advantage of this method is that you will have teeth during the healing period. But as bones and gums shrink over time during the first 6 months after the removal of teeth, your immediate dentures may require re-basing or re-aligning to fit properly later. They will then be replaced by a conventional denture that's fitted once the tissues heal, approximately 6-8 weeks after removal. An overdenture is a removable denture that fits over a small number of remaining natural teeth or implants, and is a good option if you are looking for a quick fix.


Periodontal disease is a bacterial infection of the gums and tissue that support your teeth. It is caused most often by the buildup of plaque and tartar when teeth are not routinely brushed and flossed. Other contributors to this disease include medical issues such as diabetes and consuming too much sugary foods or drinks.
There are two major stages of periodontal disease: gingivitis and periodontis. Gingivitis affects only the gums. It is a mild form of periodontal disease and if properly treated may be reversed. Left untreated, gingivitis turns into periodontist. During this more destructive disease stage, bacteria penetrate into the deeper pockets of tissue where the bone and membrane support your teeth. Periodontis can lead to tooth loss and serious health problems.

Inlays, Onlays and Crowns

While the shape of inlays, onlays and crowns are slightly different, their role is the same. All of these devices are meant to cover damaged areas of the tooth with artificial material that will not just improve the look, but the functionality and durability of the tooth.

Caring & Effective Dental Care

At Downtown Dental Center, our team of dentists and dental staff are proud of the reputation we’ve achieved in the Atlanta, GA area. When we’re done with Invisalign aligners treatments and teeth whitening people are amazed with the results. When we perform our other dental procedures, our dental patients are pretty impressed too. We’re not only known for our results; we’re also known for our caring team. Whether you’re having us straighten your teeth with Invisalign aligners or having dental surgery done, you can be always be confident we’ll treat you with the utmost care and compassion.
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